Greetings from Westerville, OHIO!
We are finally feeling like we've gotten a little settled.
If you would like our new me and I will send it to you.
The boxes are pretty much unpacked.
Of course there will always be a few that will stay in permanent storage. WHY do we even move them?
Slowly...we are getting mirrors and pictures on the walls.
Projects are popping up...and I can't wait to share with you the changes:
The painted banister, laundry room fun, and visions for new flooring.
One of the projects you can see in this next picture.
Do you like the new outdoor light fixture?
This last picture isn't so great...but at least you can get a view of the full house.
We are feeling blessed to live in such a great neighborhood!
Our neighbors are super helpful and friendly...the kids have found TONS of friends.