Friday, January 20, 2012

Love the Lord...pillow

My head cold took over today...and so instead of being busy I decided I should just relax a little and CRAFT.
I sat in front of my fire, put some music on in the background, and enjoyed a cup of coffee.

I pinned (on Pinterest) a fun pillow that looked alphabet stencil and a Sharpie marker.
I could do that.
One of my goals was to include a Bible verse on my pillow
and our family LOVES the first and Greatest COMMANDMENT...
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all of your Soul and with all your MIND. 
I really liked this quote from Francis Chan...and so I made it into a pillow!

The hardest part was figuring out if it would fit and how to space it.
I wrote it out and figured that each line needed an inch of I had to fit it in to 15 lines.
It went pretty smoothly...just took my time and lined it all up.

I love my's perfect for Valentine's Day...but also good for a DAILY REMINDER...
I am called to Love Him.
What a fun commandment.
Because HE loves ME!
and you know what...He LOVES YOU TOO!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMY!! I LOVE IT! You did such a great job! I want to make one one of these days too. I wish we could craft together! Great job and love you!