Every day I visit a special blog: August Fields
It's my friend Sara's blog.
It's my friend Sara's blog.
To be honest...I go to her blog before I go to my own!
Well, yesterday she encouraged her followers (that's me!) to prepare for Easter by using these 40 days of Lent, to find a time to clear the house and make more room for God.
I left some room on my list because I knew I was forgetting lots of places to purge...like under the bed.
The other list is Sara's! She let me copy hers...but my house doesn't have as many rooms.This is how you do it...
1. make a list 1 through 40. write down areas you want to go through and simplify or purge.
2. each day go through the designated area and decide what you will throw away or donate.
3. glorify God for who HE is. what He has accomplished. Love Him more and show His love to others. its not about me. its about Him!
So...we started purging today. We were on such a roll we did two days worth. We started with the kitchen pantry, the snack cupboard and then went on to the entry way closet. My niece, Brenna, had the day off from school today so she helped too! Thank goodness...she loves to organize!
Here is the BEFORE picture:
During: Yes, we are pulling our hair out!!Bag #1 in the TRASH
Get ready for it: AFTER...so bummed it's a blurry picture...but there is PEACE in there!!
And then they went onto the snack and breakfast cupboard.

i LOVE It! you can just FEEL the space! great job!! :)
Great job AMY! Visiting from August Fields!
You guys are inspirational! Think I'm going to go pick a closet to start with.
good for you! :)
Great Job.
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